2nd International conference on
Industrial Chemistry and Water Treatment

conference: Chemistry Conferences-Water Conferences- Industrial Chemistry and Water Treatment 2017 is an international platform for presenting research about chemistry and related fields thus contributes to the dissemination of knowledge for the benefit of both the academia and chemical and water treatment business. This event brings together the top professionals in the chemistry and chemical engineering field along with the highly affiliated professors to explore the advancements and latest applications achieved in the field of Industrial chemistry and Water Treatment technology and reverse osmosis membrane technology. Industrial Chemistry and Water Treatment 2017 discusses various fields of chemistry employed in Petroleum and Organic industrial chemistry, Industrial Polymers, Metals and Composites Chemistry, Industrial Processes, white biotechnology and Green Chemistry, Metallurgy and Material Science in Industrial Chemistry, Applied chemistry, Industrial Photo Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Clean water technology, Water Solutions and Strategies in chemical Industry, Reverse Osmosis and Nano filtration, Domestic Water Treatment, Desalination, Ultrapure Water Production, Industrial Water and Waste Water treatment, Boiler Water Treatment and Cooling Water Treatment, Applied Membranes and Nano membrane technology and chemical science fields which mark the support for the advanced and much needed research by their study on various topics. The scientific program will focus on current advances in the research in water treatment and use of chemistry and related with particular focus on its roles and applications in various fields and industries.
In the light of this theme, the conference series aims to provide a forum for international chemistry researchers from various areas of chemistry, pharmacy, Water technologies and life science by providing a platform for critical analysis of new data, and to share latest cutting-edge research findings and results about all aspects of industrial chemistry. Chemistry conferences provide a platform to detail the research work of expertise from various scientific backgrounds and the same can be perceived by young researchers and students. Chemistry Conferences-Industrial Chemistry and Water Treatment mainly aim to provide knowledge on chemistry involved in various industries and in water treatment. In course of research work and therefore Industrial chemistry and Water Treatment 2017 would be a perfect venue to share and develop knowledge on Chemical industry, Various Industrial Processes, Different industries , Applied Chemistry and Water Treatment technology, Membranes (Hydranutics 8040 Membrane) and desalination.
This statistic represents the revenue of the water utility industry in the United States between 2000 and 2010. In 2000, this particular industry generated a revenue of approximately 29.9 billion U.S. dollars.
Water is a prerequisite for economic development. Water as a resource for production focuses on the economic value of the natural resource water. Different types of industries (Dow, Fimltec, Hydranautics, TriSep, Koch Membrane, ALCOA, KAISER ALUMINUM, SAPA, SIERRA, NUCOR) demand different quantities of water resources, and produce and dispose of different kinds of wastewater.
Agriculture uses 69% of the world's water withdrawal - including irrigation, livestock watering and cleaning, and aquaculture. The production of energy also requires water in processes such as thermal power plant cooling systems or lowering the water table for raw materials extraction.
In the US, chemical companies spend over $ 12 billion a year on environmental, health and safety programs. This has, for example, has led to the reduction of hazardous releases to the air, land and water by over 70 percent over the last 40 years. Another environmental measure concerns the use of energy. In the 20 years from 1990, the chemical industry in the US saved energy at the average rate of 2.1% and in Europe at more than 4%.