ارسال پاسخ

۲۷ فروردین ۱۳۹۷
لینک صفحه: http://pvcas.ir/n1483


Software helps design new screws

Twin screw extruder maker Entek has developed a new software program that it claims...

 Twin screw extruder maker Entek has developed a new software program that it claims “will enable customers to quickly and easily design screw and barrel layouts for their specific applications”.
Key built-in features of the software include: drag and drop functionality on all components that need to be specified, such as barrel sections, screws and metallurgy; automatic calculation of the remaining space on the screw shafts; safeguards to prevent certain elements being placed where they do not belong; simpler part ordering; and easy saving within the programme or export to an Excel file once a design is complete.
Source: screwdesign


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David LTD پنجشنبه ۲۹ شهریور ۱۳۹۷
Please price, pvc Sintech 650 fitting.. PVC Sintech 950 se 67S. , 500tonn..... ارسال پاسخ